What's my Skin Type?

What's my Skin Type?

Knowing your skin type is an important factor when choosing a skincare product. You don’t want to purchase a product or treatment that’s going to unbalance or irritate your skin, therefore it’s good to have a basic understanding of which type you are and what that means.

We understand that this may not be something you’ve thought about before so we’ve put together a useful guide to help you determine what type of skin you have and which products will provide the best results.

The BARBER PRO website allows you to browse for products by skin type - meaning you can always find the treatment that’s right for you! Simply click the ‘SHOP’ button on the main menu and select your skin type.

Step 1 - Learning your skin type

Here at BARBER PRO, we cater for 6 different skin types: Normal, Dry, Dehydrated, Oily, Combination and Sensitive. This helps us to create products that target concerns and ensure that our customers are getting the best treatments for their skin.

We’ve listed these skin types below with their tell tale signs:

Normal - My skin feels smooth and normal, there are no signs of flaking or oiliness

Dry - My skin feels tight and some areas are flaky/scaly

Combination - My forehead, nose or chin feel oily however the rest of my skin is dry. Oily areas may also show signs of blackheads, breakouts or enlarged pores

Oily - My skin looks shiny and feels slick to the touch. I regularly experience breakouts.

Dehydrated - My skin looks dull and tired, it’s sometimes itchy.

Sensitive - My skin often suffers from reactions such as stinging, rashes, itchiness and redness.


Step 2 - Understanding your skin type

Once you’ve determined which skin type you are, it could be helpful to understand more about what that means. This will ensure you are aware of what could be causing your skin to behave like this and allow you to tailor your skincare accordingly.

 What is normal skin?

Normal skin is the term used for those with well-balanced skin, or in the scientific world eudermic skin, meaning that sebum and moisture levels are stable. This can be characterised by fine pores, no blemishes, good blood circulation and a soft and smooth texture. Normal skin also has no severe sensitivity.

Normal skin doesn’t necessarily mean it’s always in great condition - it may experience a little dryness, oiliness and mild sensitivity occasionally. However on the whole, it’s balanced and healthy.

Why do I have normal skin?

Normal skin is inherited - much like your hair or eye colour. Nothing you’ve done has made you have normal skin. Normal skin occurs when your sebum and moisture levels are stable - this means that the natural oils in your face and the water in your skin equalise each other and therefore there are no imbalances.

How can I manage normal skin?

As someone with normal skin, you’re lucky in the fact that you have to do very little to keep your skin healthy and in good condition. A little care and attention will keep you glowing!

  • Make minor adjustments to your routine to target its current needs. Feeling a little dry? Swap to a richer moisturiser. Getting a spot? Include a blemish treatment into your routine.
  • Use SPF - protecting your skin against sun damage is so important. You’ve got great skin so why not protect it!
  • Use antioxidant rich products to keep your skin healthy and protect against environmental stressors.

Which products should I use?

BARBER PRO Brightening Face Mask - Packed full of antioxidants, this mask will revitalise the skin, helping you to achieve a healthy natural glow. Shop now >>

BARBER PRO Foaming Cleansing Mask - Even normal skin needs a deep cleanse from time to time and this mask is the perfect way to purify your skin. Shop now >>

Shop all products for Normal Skin here

 What is dry skin?

Those with dry skin will experience a feeling of tightness and a rough texture which can result in itching, flaking, scaling or peeling. It could also mean that fine lines or cracks appear and in some severe cases, cause bleeding. 

Why do I have dry skin?

Dry skin occurs when there’s not enough moisture in the superficial, outer layer of your skin - the epidermis. This can be caused by a number of factors, such as hot or cold weather, low moisture levels in the air, harsh soaps/chemicals or too much time soaking in hot water!

How can I manage dry skin?

It’s important to treat your dry skin as this will help to reduce irritation, discomfort and itchiness. As with anything, prevention is better than a cure, so by ensuring you’re regularly caring for your skin in the right way, you could stop flare ups in the future.

  • Moisturise - regularly moisturising will help you to seal the skin to stop water from escaping. Washing your face? Apply your moisturiser before you towel dry to lock in even more hydration!
  • Limit your exposure to water - hot showers can cause your skin to dry out even more. Turn down the heat and try to keep shower times to less than 10 mins.
  • Heading out into the cold? Cover as much skin as possible to protect against the cold and the wind, to prevent even further drying out.

Which products should I use?

BARBER PRO Gentlemen’s Sheet Mask - this 15 minute treatment will leave your skin feeling rejuvenated and hydrated, as well as stimulating cell growth which will help to repair your dry areas! Shop now >>

BARBER PRO Face Putty - this peel off mask utilises Activated Charcoal to deeply cleanse the pores, repairing any damage and thoroughly hydrating the area, leaving your face feeling moisturised! Shop now >>

Shop all products for Dry Skin here

What is combination skin?

Combination skin is when some areas of the face are oily, while others are dry. Often this means that the t-zone (forehead, nose and chin) experiences higher oil levels than the rest of the face. Typically combination skin can have more noticeable pores in the nose area, as well as a tendency for blackheads and blemishes here too.

Combination skin is caused by unbalanced sebum production. This means that some of the sebaceous glands within your face are overactive and producing too much sebum, while others are less active, meaning that those areas produce less sebum and are therefore more likely to feel dry or dehydrated.

Why do I have combination skin?

As with most skin types, combination skin is inherited and is part of your DNA. However there are factors that can affect the severity of the imbalance. This could be things such as lack of sleep, high stress levels, a lowered immune system, using the wrong skin care products and touching your face too often.

How can I manage combination skin?

Combination skin can be daunting when faced with choosing a skin care product, as you don’t want to make the dry areas drier or the oily areas more oily. You need to choose products that keep your skin in balance and provide each area with what it needs.

  • Avoid intense formulas - if you choose a product that will reduce oil too drastically, it could dry out the drier areas of your skin even further. The same for if you choose a product that’s too intensely moisturising.
  • Use multiple products to give each part of your face exactly what it needs! Applying different formulas to different parts of the face could help you to create the perfect combination of skincare treatments. For example, use a heavier moisturiser on your dry areas, while using a lightweight treatment on the oily areas to maintain a good balance.
  • Use a gentle cleanser to wash away any dirt, grease or impurities that might be clogging your pores or worsening your existing oil levels.

Which products should I use?

BARBER PRO Skin Renewing Foil Mask - This self warming treatment will deeply hydrate the skin, allowing it to flush out toxins and circulate nutrients more effectively, therefore helping to restore a natural balance. Shop now >>

BARBER PRO Under Eye Mask - Under eye masks can be extremely useful for those who want to ‘multi-mask’ as you can apply a different formula to the eye area than the rest of the face. This hydrogel treatment relaxes and replenishes the area leaving it feeling energised and nourished! Shop now >>

Shop all products for Combination Skin here

What is oily skin?

Oily skin is when the face appears shiny, or sometimes greasy, pores are visibly enlarged and you may have tendencies for blackheads, pimples or acne. This is caused by an excess of oil being produced by the sebaceous glands.

Sebum is a necessity as it lubricates the skin and prevents it from drying out. However, when too much sebum is present on the skin it can clog the pores, trapping dirt, toxins and impurities and causing blemishes.

Why do I have oily skin?

As with many other skin types, oily skin is hereditary so it’s not something you’ll be able to cure, but there are ways of managing it to keep your skin in good condition.

Some things will cause the oiliness to get worse, this can be factors such as heightened hormone levels, a change in climate, over-washing and poor diet. These are aspects you should bear in mind to explain why your skin’s oil levels may fluctuate.

How can I manage oily skin?

The key to great oily skin is balance - you want to reduce the excess of oil while retaining your skin’s healthy natural moisture.

  • Wash your face each morning, night and after exercise using a gentle foaming face wash. This will remove any excess oils. However try not to scrub your skin as this can cause further irritation.
  • Moisturiser is still your friend! Just because your skin is oily, doesn’t mean it can’t be dehydrated. Hydration is necessary to retain the levels of moisture in your skin - skin that’s dehydrated encourages even further oil production to compensate, which in turn will make your face even more oily. Go for something light and oil free to achieve perfect levels of hydration.
  • Your diet can also have an affect on oil production. Sugar and dairy increase oil levels, while foods that are rich in zinc such as shellfish, legumes and nuts help to regulate the glands and control the oil.

Which products should I use?

BARBER PRO Face Putty Peel Off Mask - clogged pores can be a key factor in worsening the oiliness of skin. Utilise this activated charcoal powered mask to deeply cleanse and detoxify the skin, targeting blemishes and purifying the face well below the surface. Shop now >>

BARBER PRO Gentlemen’s Sheet Mask - choose this mask for a rejuvenating and restorative treatment that will deeply hydrate your skin, flushing out toxins and boosting your skin health. Shop now >>

Shop all products for Oily Skin here

What is dehydrated skin?

Dehydrated skin is a skin condition, rather than a skin type. This means it can happen to anyone, so it’s important to be able to spot the signs to prevent your skin from getting to this point.

Dehydrated skin is a temporary condition that is characterised by a lack of water in the skin. It’s important to note that this is different to the levels of oil, meaning that even those with oily skin can get dehydrated.

Signs you may be experiencing this are: itchiness, increased sensitivity, a dull appearance and increased visibility of fine lines and wrinkles.

Why do I have dehydrated skin?

Many factors can cause dehydration which is why it can be difficult to avoid from time to time. These include:

  • The environment, such as cold weather, wind, pollution and UV rays
  • Emotions such as stress or tiredness
  • Aggressive or harsh chemicals
  • Lifestyle choices such as tobacco and alcohol
  • Certain medical treatments and medications

While some of these things may be hard to avoid, being aware of their impact can help you to swerve dehydration in the future

How can I manage dehydrated skin?

Dehydrated skin is a temporary condition so there are things you can do to alleviate the issues and ensure your skin returns to a good hydrated state.

  • While skin hydration is dependent on water movement in the skin, you should still make sure that you’re drinking a sufficient amount of water each day as this will give your body the best chance of being able to repair.
  • Try to avoid spending time in spaces that are overheated or air conditioned as these environments can be harsher on the skin. Indoor areas with more moisture in the air are better for your skin as less water will evaporate from it.
  • Ensure you are regularly cleansing your skin to remove any sweat or grime that could be causing irritation.
  • Use a gentle and hydrating moisturiser to repair the skin barrier and replenish your face.

Which products should I use?

BARBER PRO Brightening Face Mask - This deeply hydrating sheet will re-energise the skin, stimulating the natural renewal process and helping you to achieve a brighter and revitalised appearance. Shop now >>

BARBER PRO Foaming Cleansing Mask - This self foaming mask will deeply cleanse the skin, purifying your pores and replenishing the cells. With your pores successfully unclogged, moisture can move around your skin more freely, pushing out toxins and circulating more nutrients. Shop now >>

Shop all products for Dehydrated Skin here

What is sensitive skin?

Sensitive skin describes skin that is more reactive than the average person. This is because the nerve endings in the top layer of the skin have become irritated, which happens when the natural barrier is weakened or broken down by external triggers.

This irritation can cause skin to burn, sting, turn red, itch, peel or become bumpy. This can be particularly prevalent on the face, with the eyelids being an especially sensitive area.

Similarly to dehydrated skin, sensitive skin is not a skin type, but it is a common condition that causes people to have to choose their skincare products more carefully.

Why do I have sensitive skin?

There are four main types of sensitive skin:

  • Naturally sensitive - this is genetic and often links to other skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and rosacea.
  • Environmentally sensitive - this is triggered by the surrounding environment as can be incited by things such as sun exposure, air pollution or cold climates.
  • Reactive skin - this is triggered by things that your skin comes into contact, with such as soaps, detergents, dyes and skincare products.
  • Thin skin - as we age, our skin gets thinner naturally so it can get more easily irritated

Anyone can experience sensitive skin occasionally, as we all come into contact with many external factors each day that could cause irritation. However, if you’re having ongoing issues with sensitivity you could be a sign of a skin condition.

How can I manage sensitive skin?

The irritation and discomfort caused by sensitive skin can urge you to rush into a solution to fix it, or may lead you to trying too many things at once which could irritate the skin further. This is why it’s important to take a clear approach to soothing and repairing the skin.

  • Don’t over-wash the skin - While it is necessary to wash the area, over-washing, especially with hot water or harsh soaps can cause more issues.
  • Use gentle, fragrance free products to soothe your skin. This includes soaps, detergents and moisturisers.
  • Use a shaving cream or gel before shaving to limit the irritation to the area.
  • Test any new products on a discreet area of skin a day before a full application to ensure that you won’t react to it.

Which products should I use?

BARBER PRO Super Eye Mask - As we’ve mentioned, the eyelids can be a particularly sensitive area, which may mean you’ll need to occasionally soothe and relax them. The Super Eye Mask will hydrate and cool the area, restoring the skin and leaving it feeling moisturised and replenished. Shop now >>

BARBER PRO Post Shave Cooling Mask - Shaving can be something that causes real irritation for those with sensitive skin. Apply this sheet after shaving to nourish the area and reduce irritation or redness. This cooling treatment will leave your skin feeling refreshed and calmed. Shop now >>

Shop all products for Sensitive Skin here

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